10 Tailwind CSS Components That You Can Use To Get Started Quickly

Lahaul Seth
3 min readApr 24, 2021

Tailwind CSS is a CSS framework which can help you to build websites rapidly. It helps in writing CSS in a much easier way.

If you’re looking to build a site or blog with Tailwind, check out few of the below libraries and components which you can use to get started quickly.

1. Tailwind UI

Tailwind UI was created by the makers of Tailwind CSS. It contains over 400+ professionally designed, fully responsive, expertly crafted component examples.

Tailwind UI also provides fully interactive, accessibility-focused code snippets for React and Vue. Each of the components is fully responsive.

2. Gust UI

Gust UI is a free Tailwind UI kit for applications. It provides responsive HTML and React components. You can quickly get started with Gust UI with a growing library of components, elements and example pages.

Gust UI also provides reusable React components. You can customize each of the components in multiple ways.

If you’re not looking to start building your site component wise, you can make use of the example pages. Example pages contain common app scenarios which you can use to get started quickly.

3. Tailwindow

Tailwindow is a collection of UI Components created using Tailwind CSS Framework. The UI Components gives you all of the building blocks you need to build any designs without any annoying opinionated styles you have to fight to override.

4. Tailwind Kit

Tailwind Kit gives you access to over 250 free components and free templates. It’s compatible with React, VueJS and Angular application.

Tail-kit provides templates for example pages as well which you can use to get started quickly with your project.

5. Lofi UI

Lofi UI provides reusable and reworkable Tailwind CSS components. You can reuse the components in your way by making changes as you see fit.

It has more or less every kind of component that you can think of.

6. Meraki UI

Meraki UI provides a range of Tailwind CSS components that support RTL languages & fully responsive based on Flexbox & CSS Grid.

7. Windstrap

Windstrap is a Tailwind CSS component which you can use with Bootstrap JS. It provides a range of components like Alert, Buttons, Collapse, Dropdowns, Modal, Navbar, Popovers, Toast, Tooltips etc.

8. Sail UI

Sail UI provides basic components for Tailwind CSS. If you’re looking to get started with a project with a very simple UI, then Sail UI is probably the best option.

9. Tailwind Components

Tailwind Components is a free repository for those who are looking to use Tailwind CSS components.

10. Treact

Treact provides easily customizable modern React UI Templates and Components built using TailwindCSS which are also lightweight and simple to setup. All components are modular and fully responsive for great mobile experience as well as big desktop screens. Brand Colors are also fully customizable. Free for personal as well as commercial use.

Treact also provides 7 premade landing pages. Customizing or creating your own custom landing page is really simple by using the UI components.

Originally published at https://www.lionbloggertech.com on April 24, 2021.



Lahaul Seth

I currently work as a Software Engineer. I’m an Open Source Enthusiast. I also like to write articles on digital marketing and SEO.