Pros & Cons Of Using Twitter To Market Your Business

Lahaul Seth
6 min readJun 3, 2021

It wasn’t that long ago that tweeting was strictly for geek’s — men and women who spent their days living in the world of social media. But things change quickly on the world wide web and today, businesses are utilizing Twitter to build a loyal following and a constant stream of visitors, who can, in turn, become clients.

The growth of Twitter as a marketing tool for business

Many of us do not remember the day that we first heard the word “tweet”. Many marketers recall Twitter in its infancy and have watched in awe as the social media network has grown from a place to tweet about your pets, to a place to tweet about your business, follow people with similar interests, follow their followers, and get followed-back in return, all-the-while utilizing Twitter to provide a constant flow of information that is helpful to your visitor base allowing you to build an international following… for free!

Yes, Twitter is a business marketer’s dream come true. It is very important to know the importance of social media marketing nowadays because of brand building and creating a community for your business.

Pros of using Twitter to build your business

Twitter’s international reach is reflected in its top trending news topics for the first half of 2011. Among them: Egypt’s revolution, the fighting in Libya, the crippled Fukushima nuclear power plant in Japan, and the British royal wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton. Yes, the international reach of Twitter is strong and the growth of Twitter shows so no sign of slowing.

Twitter marketing to build your business

Business marketers will need to learn smarter ways to motivate consumers and possibly affect their attitudes, behaviors, and continued sharing by members of a person’s social media graph. By motivating consumers, their online shopping will evolve, in social networks, or in brick and mortar stores.

The vast amount of ways of which Twitter can be used to market a particular business or industry is endless. Where else can you go into a room of people already interested in you, or find all of your competitor’s clients?

Musicians can use Twitter to market their songs and use the Mp3 Shortener to upload their song directly to Mp3Twit.

Auto Follow People Interested in Your Niche — If I were trying to locate Twitterers with an interest in healthy living, fitness, diet, weight loss, the results above all match that interest.

Twitter Bio Search — I only really want to have followers that work at home right ? I would search Twitter bios such as “work at home”, “work from home”, or whatever your imagination can come up with.

Twitter Statistical Data allows you to see what is happening as it’s happening.

Twitter Historical Action allows you to see the Users you sent Follow, Unfollows, Sent Messages, and Twitter Updates for any date you select.

Twitter Location-Based Search provides the tools you need to grow your Twitter network locally, or in a specified region.

You can use tools like Semrush and Similarweb to check out from where your site is getting traffic from. Semrush vs Similarweb — It is an in-depth comparison of best SEO and traffic analytics that can help you to increase your online visibility.

Why use Twitter for business marketing ?

One word — traffic. In a lean economy, entrepreneurs need to be smarter and more creative to build traffic and a steady following of interested visitors. The impact that social media has on businesses has only begun. Its power of transmitting information quickly and efficiently is immense and unlikely to go away any time soon.

Automate your Tweets

On the surface this doesn’t seem like a really big deal — in fact to some business marketers, automating tweets is extremely useful. The problem is, to some Twitter users, circulating automated Tweets is a cardinal sin. It’s seen as spamming unwanted content and basically abusing the power of the application.

The solution ?

Useful content that is well-written and original. By creating a blog packed full of high-quality content, you are able to create a large database of tweets from which you can automate. And by posting these tweets in random order, your tweets do not look like spam, in fact, they are useful and informational.

Add new blog posts at least twice a week. If return visitors come back and see the same-old-same-old, they won’t come back as often. In fact, they may not come back at all so keep your content fresh by adding new posts regularly — a minimum of twice a week.

Each time you add a new blog article, use TinyUrl to shorten the address of your article, paste the URL into your Tweet database with some short verbiage… and bam! Your Twitter database will eventually grow into something you can be proud of. The result ? A large following on Twitter of people that enjoy your content, find it useful and informational.

Twitter — Automate your tweets with TweetAdder

Build a blog and your Twitter database

But why build a blog ? Why make a blog a part of your website? Isn’t it just one more thing to worry about, one more thing that has to get done each day or week? Well, keeping a blog does take some time and effort but the payout is enormous. There are so many advantages to adding a blog to your website that, frankly, you really must have one.

How to start ? Where to start ? What to say ? And how do you say it ? New site owners may have a lot of questions about building a blog but almost all web experts agree that a blog helps drive traffic to a site. A blog also improves your ranking with search engines, moving you up higher on search engine results pages, also called SERPs.

Create a blog and keep it working to the advantage of your online business. If you build a blog, you have a large database of articles from which to choose to add to your Twitter database.

You can manage your social media channels including Twitter with Semrush. Track all your content in one place, here is an in-depth article on how you can activate a free trial of Semrush.

Cons of using Twitter to build your business

Naysayers still dismiss Twitter as a platform for people who post self-promotional links or trivial details about their daily lives — this hamburger is tasty! — but there’s no denying its growth. With less than 140-characters to get your point across, there’s not a lot of room for verbiage. Many online tools provide the means by which tweets can be shortened, and even links are made tiny with the use of TinyUrl.

Follow good practices in social media marketing

Do not ignore negative comments. Interact with users and become a recognized expert in your field. By following these simple steps for social media, your connections and visitors will grow, which will in turn increase your bottom line.

Engage your Followers

As the owner of a web-based enterprise, small, medium, or vente, your website engages in the same rituals that love-sick paramours undertake to woo their future spouses. It’s an engagement. A partnership.

Hopefully, if you keep your customers happy, it’ll be a long partnership. Remember, it costs you ten times as much to acquire a new client or customer than to keep an existing customer in the place, buying from you.

So follow these simple rules of courtship, engage the site visitor…

…and hang the JUST MARRIED sign on your site.

Originally published at on June 3, 2021.



Lahaul Seth

I currently work as a Software Engineer. I’m an Open Source Enthusiast. I also like to write articles on digital marketing and SEO.